Is Content Marketing Worth It for a Small Business?
If you own a small business you already know the importance of having a website. In today’s online world if you don’t have a website – you’re probably not a serious business. However business owners (especially small business owners) tell us all the time that while a website is important, they don’t see the value in spending the resources to create content because it doesn’t bring them any new leads. Although this may seem to be the case, because SEO takes time, consumer opinion states otherwise. Consider the following when asking yourself – is content marketing worth it?
80% of people prefer to read an article over an advertisement.
70% of people say that good content makes them feel closer to a business.
60% of consumers credit content for helping to make better purchasing decisions.
The research suggests that creating great content to market your company is worth the time and effort. However maybe you’re still not willing to put in the effort to create content that may not generate business organically for months or even years. Here are some other ways that a content marketing strategy can work for a small business:
Content builds trust.
People want to hire someone they trust do a job right. Generating great content for your business is a great way to show possible customers that you’re an expert in your field and can competently complete a the task at hand. However great content doesn’t have to be written. Video is also a popular way to showcase your skills and expertise in your field.
Content helps establish your brand.
You can never overestimate the power of a strong brand. Time and time again consumers return to a preferred brand because they already identify with it strongly. Although if you are just starting out you need to find new creative ways to establish your brand with the public. Here again content marketing is a great way to being to get consumers familiar with your brand’s unique voice. Find your voice and use your content to tell the world your story.
Content allows you to take advantage of social media.
Everyone wants to make money on social media. It’s easy right? Post about your products, maybe advertise a little bit and BOOM the sales start rolling in. Unfortunately it’s not that easy anymore to get your content seen on social media, even if you are willing to pay. If you want to get your business’s content seen on social media you have to get others to interact with it. Therefore you need to generate content that people find interesting enough to comment on, like and and/or share.
Is content marketing worth it for a small business? At Milk Street we know that it is. If you need assistance developing a content marketing strategy for your company contact out team today!!
Milk Street Marketing offers small business packages that bundle many of our services into an affordable monthly payment. We offer an integrated, multi-channel marketing solution backed by a team of marketing professionals.