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Marketing Resolutions For 2016

What Marketing Resolutions Will You Be Making In The New Year?


What marketing resolutions are you making for 2016?Happy New Year and Happy Monday!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with wonder and delight. It’s such an enjoyable time of year, and one of my favorite things about the new year is the psychological effect it has on people’s attitudes and behaviors. I’ve never been one for marketing resolutions, it’s just another thing to stress over if you ask me. I do appreciate the clean slate that a new year brings, though. Professionally, I’ve always used the time in between Christmas and New Year to reorganize my desk, my digital files, and online dashboards. It’s also a time to reflect as well as look forward. What did I do well? What “big things” do we want to accomplish this year? What marketing resolutions can we make that will help our business grow?

And let’s face it, year end top ten lists, predictions for the upcoming year and gifts “for the ______ in your life” are all enticing topics to spend your time reading about.

Personally, I am simply looking to be the best Ron Bauman I can be. Not the best marketer, guitarist or dad….just, the best Ron Bauman. I am all of these things and more, and every year I make a promise to myself to do the best I can do at whatever it is I’m doing.  Don’t be so concerned with being the best at everything; someone is always there doing it it better. Just be awesome. Treat people the right way, make the right decisions and whatever is supposed to happen, will happen. Which reminds me….

This crew didn't make marketing resolutions, necessarily.I spent a good amount of time watching episodes of LOST over the holiday. For those who might not know, I am a 100%-certified LOST nerd. I must say, Sawyer is so much cooler on this particular re-watch. Sayid has is still my favorite character, though. Eh, who am I kidding? I love them all! In any event, there is so much to be learned about life in that show, and the single most overarching theme is that of redemption. It’s never too late to turn things around and do something good with your life, or your marketing!  Here’s a few marketing resolutions Milk Street Marketing will be rocking in 2016:

  • Blogging  You can never have too much content, and blogs are still a huge part of content marketing. If you’re not publishing at least a blog per week, you may want to consider scheduling more time for yourself. Myself, I’ve carved out Sunday mornings. My head is clear and distractions are minimal.
  • More Video Another spoke in the content wheel, and perhaps it’s most important, is video. It’s also generally thought of as the most engaging for a brand, and has the highest probability of going viral, if that’s your ultimate goal. Although video can be time consuming and expensive, it’s payoff can be tremendous. As Milk Street has established a solid foundation for our content marketing strategy, we now need to incorporate more video to connect with our audience. However, we don’t always have to think of it in the traditional sense, i.e. 2 minute YouTube clips. Live streaming is becoming more and more popular, and we’ve been using it more as well for remote client and team meetings.
  • Stay vigilant with our CRM Data entry is certainly not my thing. It’s all in my mind and I like it there. But it’s not good marketing practice, and as we grow, we need to set the standard for data management. Setting up automated marketing sequences, client journeys and generating quality analytics are not possible unless you have a dedication to your CRM. It’s easy for the meaning to get lost within the letters of an acronym, but remember – CRM stands for client/customer relationship management.  And we need it, if we want our business to grow.
  • Public Relations  Its high time that I personally, and by extension Milk Street, get up to speed with public relations. It’s something we haven’t pain much attention to in the past, but we got a healthy dose of dealing with it in our work with The S. 9th Street Italian Market. We need to compile a list of relevant media contacts are start with personal outreach to make sure they know who Milk Street is and what we are doing. We partner with many high profile clients, and it’s high time the world knows about it!

What are your marketing resolutions? We’d love to hear all about, so don’t be shy! Fill out the form below, or join us in person at our next MarketShare Philly Meetup on Wednesday January 13th!

Have a great 2016!

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