As a business owner you’re always looking for new ways to gain exposure for your business. And as all good business owners know the best exposure comes from positive word-of-mouth advertising. If a product or service is recommended by someone that we know and trust, we are way more likely to choose that brand. And although it’s not exactly “word-of-mouth” advertising, the same concept applies to posts on Facebook and other social media. If a Facebook friend posts about a great new pizzeria in town, we’re much more likely to try it in the future. Now, imagine if your employees posted about your business. Your business would instantly receive an instant “bump” in online creditability. Free of charge! Now you are probably asking yourself “Can you make employees post on Facebook?”
Why Facebook ads don’t work.
If you’ve tried any kind of social media marketing, odds are you’ve ran an ad on Facebook. Unfortunately while Facebook ads seem like a great idea, unless you invest a considerable amount of money over a sustained period of time, you probably won’t see much ROI. Consider the last time you clicked on a Facebook ad yourself (not by accident). I’ll bet if you’ve done it at all, it was once or twice tops. That’s because we’ve become very skeptical as social media consumers and therefore very selective about the what we choose to click. Most people will only click on content from people and sources they know and trust. Therefore, as a business owner you need to do everything in your power to become a source people know and trust. A good place to start is by asking your employees to share content from your Facebook page.
Can You Make Employees Post on Facebook?
In almost every state is illegal for employers to “force” employees to post about their place of employment. And if you ask your employees to share your business’s content on Facebook, be ready for some resistance. Everyone won’t want to share and that’s ok. Individuals use social media for a variety of reasons. Some will see it as a violation of their privacy for an employer to ask an employee to use their Facebook account to advertise. However, many employees will share your content and help your brand become one that their friends know and trust. That’s the goal, to increase the network of people that are aware of your business and trust your business, because it was recommended to them by someone they trust.
At Milk Street Marketing we know in order for any social media campaign to work it must be a group effort. After all when it comes to getting the word out on social media about your business – Social Media is a Team Sport.
Finally contact the pros at Milk Street if you need assistance launching a social media campaign for your business.
nice read…..I like this evolution. The way I see it is big marketing has died because of its lies and social media is truth. To get an emoloyee …for post….”the guys at so n so exterminators are great and I love to work here”. This is a lie….as Im sure as her hypothetical friends already know…because she hates her job. .If you really want your employees to post then you have to be doing what they find to sincerly to be “cool” or good.