The Five Worst NFL Logos Ranked.
A great NFL team logo is a combination of several things. To start, a logo should establish an identity for your team. An identity helps develop a sense of camaraderie and loyalty between fans and the team. A great way to accomplish this to incorporate something from the team’s city into the logo. For example, as much as I hate to say it, as an Eagles fan, the Dallas Cowboys star perfectly represents a team from the Lone Star State. Next, a great NFL logo should convey a sense of professionalism and not look like a high school or college team’s logo. There’s a big difference in professionalism between the Dallas Cowboys and the Oklahoma State Cowboys logos. Finally, a logo should not look like a weird childish cartoon character. Here are the five worst NFL logos in the league right now.
#1 Cleveland Browns
The Cleveland Browns really have don’t a logo. Instead, they’ve been using a picture of their plain orange and brown football helmet since they joined the league in 1944. But let’s be honest, they need to change the team’s name before the logo can improve. The original owner Paul Brown named the team after himself which is about as egotistical as you can get. On top of that is the word “brown” is childish slang for poop. The team had a chance to change the name when they re-entered the league in 1999 but chose to stick with the old stinky brown brand. Bad move.
#2 Baltimore Ravens
When Art Model moved the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore in 1995 he knew he had to change the name of the team (see above). In order to decide on new a name, Model ran focus groups in the area and a poll in the Baltimore Sun. Fans chose the Raven because Baltimore was the place where Edgar Allen Poe died so it seems football fans in Baltimore are also into poetry. To make it fancy the designers slapped a “B” on the side of the birds head and put it on the helmet.
#3 Cincinnati Bengals
The Bengals owner modeled his original uniforms after the Cleveland Browns except he went with black, orange and white rather than brown. So, in the beginning, the Bengals looked a lot like the Browns. That is until they decided to add the cool Bengal stripes in 1981. Which is a nice touch if you’re a sassy lady and want the world to know it. However, it doesn’t really make sense for a football team in Cincinnati.
#4 Tennessee Titans
The flaming white circle with three stars is supposed to have something to do with the Tennessee state flag. Which works for representing the team’s location, however, I’m not sure everyone in the state of Tennessee knows what their flag looks like, let alone outsiders. Then the designers decided to slap a “T” on it and set the entire thing on fire in hopes of looking like a comet. To top it all off the colors are awful. Periwinkle and navy with a splash of red? No thanks, this is an all-around awful logo.
#5 Carolina Panthers
The Carolina Panthers created their logo in the mid-1990’s around the same time as Disney released Lion King. Coincidence? I think not. The team chose this logo to appeal to kids in hopes they would like the team’s look and buy merchandise. There can’t be another reason. There are no panthers in the Carolinas and there has never been. On the upside, the colors and uniforms are pretty awesome.
These are the worst NFL logos, contact Milk Street Marketing today if you need branding or logo help!