Facebook has done it again!
Have you seen it on Facebook, yet? It’s finally here!! The social media landscape continues to change and evolve. Now, when you see that extra special Facebook post that get’s your really excited, or all warm and fuzzy inside, you can get all nuts and “love” the post, instead of just “liking” it. Not only that, but you could also still “like” it, but also choose from several other [NEW BUZZWORD ALERT] “social feelings”, such as laughing, shock, sadness and anger. Simply scroll over the “Like” text button, and the small pop up window with the appropriate emoticons appear. It appears as if Facebook (and why wouldn’t they….) is tracking the various responses separately, but we still have some poking around to do to figure out what the new capabilities fully consist of. Check out a post from our Facebook page to see what it looks like!
This will have a tremendous effect on audience engagement, as it will give users the ability to vocalize their thoughts and opinions on brands even more than they ever have. Furthermore, businesses and organizations will glean additional insight in regard to their social media content marketing strategy.
Personally, I am very excited to start “loving” stuff on Facebook. It’s also going to be very interesting to monitor how much neutral or negative (presumptuously) feedback is offered up by the general Facebook-using public. We all know how much people like to complain online, via Yelp, and other sites like it. In a way we are empowering this potentially toxic scenario, which is unfortunate.
However, have you every come across a post that was actually bad or sad news? Of course you have. It always confounds me on why people “like” these posts, be it the death of a family member or a Tinder date that went south. The obvious explanation is that we click that “like” text button as a conditioned response, almost as an involuntary acknowledgment or nod of agreement with the sentiment of the post. But now…we can tell everyone exactly how we truly feel. Socially.
And love is all you need! Love is all you need! Love is all you need!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!